How to Avoid the Growth of Mold in the Bathroom

Mold can grow in any part of the bathroom; typically, it can be found in the nooks and crannies, but it can also be found on the tiles. The most common cause of mold growth in bathrooms is high humidity, but it can also be caused by a lack of proper hygiene in the space. 

The areas in a bathroom where humidity tends to congregate easily include the areas around the shower, the toilet, the pipes, and any surfaces that are exposed to water, such as the tiles, walls, floor. What can be done to prevent mildew growth in the bathroom? It is vital to do a cleaning that is both thorough and frequent, in addition to adhering to certain basic safety measures.

What to Look For if You Suspect Mold in the Bathroom

Mold is not always obvious at first glance; in fact, when there are only a few mold spores or they are just beginning to form, we can detect their presence based on the odor they give off. Checking the tiles is also a good idea because a porous layer could develop in the space between individual tiles.

How to Protect Yourself from Mold in the Bathroom

In order to prevent the spread of mold, it is important to keep the relative humidity at a low level. As a result, there are some safety measures that must not be disregarded:

  1. Check that there aren’t any leaks in the bathroom; this can be done while you’re there cleaning the other areas of the house.
  2. It is necessary to clean and, afterward, dry all hard surfaces, such as floor and wall tiles.
  3. It is important to routinely clean any soft surfaces, such as the curtain of the shower cubicle.
  4. When taking a shower, make sure that the curtain or the door to the shower cubicle is pulled all the way back and shut completely in order to minimize the amount of water that gets on the floor and on the walls.
  5. After each shower, make sure the room has adequate ventilation by keeping the doors and windows open.
  6. After you’ve finished your shower, you should clean and dry the room.
  7. After hanging the mats and towels outside where they can get some fresh air, bring them back into the house and rearrange them only after they are no longer damp.
  8. Put in a vent fan that activates when you’re in the shower.

How to Properly Disinfect Your Bathroom

It is not always necessary to turn to the traditional detergents that can be purchased in stores in order to get rid of the mold. There are natural medicines that have been shown to be just as effective as their synthetic counterparts, and on top of that, they are not detrimental to the environment.

  • After you have determined that mold is growing in the crevices and other areas, use a toothbrush that has been dipped in a mixture containing the juice of half a lemon, 100 milliliters of vinegar, and 250 milliliters of water. Add baking soda if the mold does not give up easily.
  • Wash the shower curtain in the washing machine on a regular basis with a combination of one cup of baking soda and one cup of white vinegar. If it is plastic, it is best to let it soak in water containing detergent for a while, with the addition of vinegar in this particular scenario. Ensure that it is completely dry before beginning the assembly process.